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NFED Service Directory - Services for the equestrian & rural community

Alice James Veterinary Physiotherapy


Fully qualified (Masters from Writtle University) and insured Veterinary Physiotherapist based in the New Forest for equines and canines. Covering Hampshire, Wiltshire and Dorset. A member of NAVP, AHPR and IRVAP (Equine Hydrotherapy).

Following assessment, a full manual treatment (massage, fascial release, mobilisation and stretching) is carried out alongside any electrotherapies (Hwave, laser, PEMF) or thermotherapy as needed.

Each session is tailored to each horse with recommended follow up exercises advised.
Physiotherapy can be key in benefitting your horse by addressing areas of discomfort and dysfunction, through to improving overall well-being.

As physiotherapists, we work closely with Vets and other members of your horses care team to ensure the best outcome and results for your horse.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything about your horse, please do not hesitate to get in contact via phone or email.

Ref: 2747-726E

Link: www.nfed.co.uk/d.php?ref=726

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