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NFED Service Directory - Services for the equestrian & rural community

Hampshire Equine Touch


The Equine Touch is a gentle, hands on body-work system targeting the connective tissue surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments. It addresses the horse’s body with an organised series of unique vibrational moves over the soft tissue.
It may have the effect of releasing tense muscles, reduce the pain spiral, assist in detoxification and lymphatic drainage by increasing circulation. It can be also used in conjunction with the training or rehabilitation of your horse, helping with the improvement of muscle tone and encouraging recovery from injury and muscle atrophy.
ET non-invasively addresses the soft tissue. Throughout the session I gently assess your horse before moving onto the bodywork phase. Each session is performed in a calm, composed manner, and the horses usually reach a state of deep relaxation.

What can Equine Touch help with?

  • Improve Suppleness, willingness & balance
  • Relieve tight muscles & improve symmetry
  • Prevent injuries
  • Prepare for competitions & quicken recovery
  • Re balance muscles after veterinary & dental treatments, hoof maintenance and box rest
  • Reduce stress and promote relaxation
  • Deepen bond between horse and owner

Ref: 2716-695E

Link: www.nfed.co.uk/d.php?ref=695

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