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NFED Classified Help & Frequently Asked Questions

NFED Classifieds Rules & Guidelines

The NFED provides a premium advertising service for the equestrian and countryside community.
No account or membership is required, no commission is charged, no third-party advertising is used. An insertion fee of £8.99 per advert is charged to help cover our substantial running costs. Qualifying low value inanimate equestrian related items may be approved without payment, see Guideline 4 for details.

By posting an advert on the NFED, you are accepting and agree that it is in compliance with the following rules which are in place for our protection and to provide the safest environment possible for all users.

All adverts are checked by the administrator before approval. If the rules have not been followed, the advert will be rejected without notice, so please take the time to read them. We reserve the right to remove any ads in violation of our guidelines, UK laws or subject to ongoing dispute or investigation that are brought to our attention after approval.
The most appropriate category should be selected. Although some categories are more flexible than others, adverts may be moved to a more suitable category at the administrator's discretion and without notice.
When an advert is approved, it is for the animal/s or item/s originally submitted and is non-transferable.
We DO NOT allow animals or items to be replaced, exchanged, or added after approval.

By posting an ad here, you agree to the following statement:

* I agree that I will be solely responsible for the content of all my classified ads that I post and that I will indemnify CKArt - NFED and hold it harmless for any losses or damages to myself or to others that may result directly or indirectly from any ads that I post here.
* I am the owner or legally entitled to advertise the items or animals on behalf of the owner. There are no unresolved disputes, investigations or outstanding finance.
* I am in possession of all necessary documents, licences or passports where required.
* All descriptions including known issues or problems are accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
* I am either over 16 years of age or have permission of my parent or guardian to submit an advert. See Internet Safety for further details.
* I have read, agree and will abide by all site terms of use, rules, guidelines and pricing structure.


1: Advertiser Contact Details
2: Advert Description
3: Paid Advert Prices
4: Free Adverts
5: Unacceptable Adverts
6: Advert Payments
7: Approved Ads
8: Advert Enquiries
9: Featured Ads & Social Media
10: Free Ads - Fair Usage, Repeat, Replacement and Multiple Adverts usage
11: Moving Ads Back to the Top (Bumping up)
12: Modifications
13: Two or more animals or items in one advert
14: Website Links
15: Communication
16: Internet Safety
17: Wanted Ads
18: Equine Passports
19: Foals & Youngstock
20: Rescues, Rehoming, Adoption, Companions , Charities and Sanctuaries
21: Photographs
22: Videos
23: HTML & Special Characters
24: Successful or Unwanted Adverts
25: Breaking Rules or Causing Problems
26: Technical Issues
27: Trade, Breeder or Dealer Advertising
28: Your Advertising Contract


  1. Advertiser Contact Details
    To help fight fraud, we require the advertiser’s name, location, Email & phone number. Your IP address will be recorded automatically. Details will not be used for advertising purposes or divulged unless requested by a legitimate investigating authority such as the Police or Trading Standards. Please see the Privacy Notice for further details.


  2. Description
    To provide a quality service whilst helping to fight equine crime, an adequate description of each individual item or animal must be provided within the advert text or heading. Various Items, call for details, other items available, see our website or similar will be rejected unless previously agreed with the administrator. The advertiser is legally responsible for ensuring that the description accurately describes the animal or items advertised. It is a criminal offence to falsely advertise or fail to mention any known problems or issues. If you are submitting a free ad, the asking price must be included to qualify, but this is entirely optional for paid adverts. 
    Please use emojis sparingly and avoid replacing words or prices completely with emojis. Some devices may render the emoji differently or fail to show them. Prices should be shown numerically or in text that can be read by anyone, never in a cryptic code. 


  3. Paid Advert Prices
    There is a single fixed insertion fee of £8.99 per advert.
    The price is the same whether the advert is online for seconds or the full 180 days.
    There are no other charges or commission to pay.
    We are not VAT registered, so there is no VAT to pay.
    Please also see: Guideline 28 - Your Advertising Contract and Refunds

    The price includes up to: 600 Words - 4 x Photos - Video Links - Up to 180 Days Online.
    Suitable paid ads will be featured unless you ask us not to. 

    The £8.99 fee applies to all of the following:-

    Horse or Pony regardless of value - Offered or Wanted
    Horse or Pony for share, loan or riding - Offered or Wanted
    Liveries, Grazing or Property for sale or rent - Offered or Wanted
    Lorries, Trailers & Vehicles - Offered or Wanted
    Single offered item with asking or guide price of £175 or more
    Multiple items with total asking or guide price of £175 or more
    Livestock, pet, poultry or waterfowl regardless of value - Offered or Wanted
    Offered item or lot not displaying an asking price, guide price or amount available
    Repeat advert under two months old or exceeding usage limits See Guideline 10.
    Trade advert without a Standard Directory Listing - Offered or Wanted See Guideline 27.
    Free ads can be upgraded & featured by paying the standard fee.

    Providing the rules have been followed, the advert will be approved on the next update after receiving payment, please allow up to 24 hours but normally much less.

    Payment transactions must be completed. If your payment is successful you will be transferred back to the Transaction Complete page & receive an Email confirmation of your order at that point. If you close the window before this point, payment will not be made so the advert will remain unapproved.

    Adverts that require payment are not approved until payment has been received. If payment is not received within two days, the advert will be deleted from the system. If late payment is received, a replacement advert will be posted for you.


  4. Free Adverts
    This is a paid ads system, but Clearly Priced low value equestrian, agricultural and countryside related items or lot up to £174.99, may be approved without payment. Free ads are provided at our expense to rehome or recycle low value inanimate items or equipment and are subject to the administrator’s discretion.

    Free ads use the same system as paid ads without contributing to the running costs; therefore, must clearly qualify or will not be approved without payment.

    We DO NOT fund and provide free ads for:
    * Horses and ponies, including loans, shares, riding offered or wanted.
    * Livestock, pets or poultry (including ' hatching eggs), regardless of type, breed or value. 
    * Trade ads without a Standard Directory Listing.
    * Off topic items.

        *NOTE* The Payment Button and links will show on all adverts.

    If your advert qualifies as a free advert, ignore the payment section at Stage 3. The advert will be reviewed and approved on the next update providing it meets the criteria.

    You can choose to upgrade and feature a free advert by paying the usual fee.

    To qualify as a free advert

    a: Every single item offered must be listed and clearly priced at no more than £174.99. 
    b: Multiple items (lot) must be listed, show the amount available and priced with a total value of no more than £174.99. "Various items", "ask for details", "others available", "see photos" or similar will disqualify it as a free ad.
    c: All items must be inanimate and equestrian, agricultural, small holding or countryside related.
    d: A similar advert or items must not have been submitted within the previous two months.
    e: The fair usage limits of 15 free advert submissions in any 30 day period must not be exceeded.
     f: The fair usage limits of 30 active free ads at any one time must not be exceeded.
     g: Trade or business advertisers must have a current Standard Directory listing. See Guideline 27.
     h: The advert must be submitted online by the advertiser. 
     i: Swaps or exchange are classed as offered, not wanted ads and subject to the standard terms and pricing.

    No Price = No Free Ad.
    * If open to offers, a guide price MUST be included in the advert text.
    * If giving away for free, this MUST be clearly stated in the advert text.
    * Prices or descriptions shown in photographs will not be recognised or accepted. 
    * It must be your asking price, the price paid or asked elsewhere will not be accepted.
    * Hay, Haylage & Straw Sales Click Here for further details.

    * Adverts not complying will not be approved until the standard £8.99 payment has been received or the advert modified to qualify it as a free ad. Unapproved adverts are deleted after two days. 

    Trade adverts are excluded unless the advertiser has a current Standard Listing in the directory. Any adverts offering goods, supplied, produced/bred/sourced to order/commission, or offering multiple new items or options such as a range of sizes or colours, regardless of value, either on the NFED or elsewhere, will be treated as trade and therefore not eligible as free ads without a current Standard Directory listing. For further details including Hay sales, see Trade or Dealer Advertising below.

    NFED users rightly expect the item to be available and to be able to make enquiries or offers through the NFED without being redirected to a different website for further information or to bid. Including links or sending viewers to items advertised on other websites is not permitted.

    If possible, please group multiple small items together in a single advert, listing & pricing each individual item. Creating a separate advert for each item will use up your free advert allowance & cause other ads to be pushed down the list unnecessarily, much to the annoyance of other advertisers & viewers. Adverts causing problems or likely to lead to complaints, will not be approved.

    We do want to provide a free service for low value ads but as they are provided entirely at our expense, this does rely entirely on sufficient paid ads to keep the business viable. Therefore, anyone involved with, promoting, canvassing, administrating a website, social media group or page offering a similar service, allowing advertising or in competition with the NFED and putting the business at risk, is not eligible for free advertising.

    If you appreciate the NFED and the work that goes into the running of such a unique site, you are very welcome to ignore the free offer and pay for the advert. Any contributions towards our running expenses are greatly appreciated. In return, suitable adverts will be featured.

    Anyone suspected of or found to be deliberately abusing or attempting to cheat the system, acting, advertising or trading dishonestly, regularly ignoring guidelines, breaching contracts, causing problems, being abusive to other NFED users or generally disparaging the site in any way whatsoever will no longer be eligible for free adverts. See Guideline 25


  5. *We DO NOT ALLOW the Following Adverts in the Classifieds*

    NO Services. Adverts offering any kind of service are not permitted in the NFED Classifieds. Please use the Service Directory. To learn how to use the NFED for your business Click Here.

    NO Work or Employment Wanted. Work wanted ads including work experience, apprenticeships, exchange for riding/accommodation or voluntary work wanted will not be accepted. Please view the Employment Offered category regularly or set up a Keyword Alert

    NO Events. Events (including tack, yard, garage sales) are not permitted in the NFED Classifieds. The NFED Event Diary is provided to advertise events. Click Here to submit details.

    No Notices or Questions. The classifieds are for buying and selling adverts only. General questions, news, appeals, requests, messages, notices, advice or recommendations are not accepted. 

    No News. We do not allow news to be posted in the classifieds, but News articles be emailed for inclusion on the news page. A current standard listing is required for business news articles.

    Internet Safety. Safety and protecting the young is paramount. Any advert that may put the advertiser at risk will be rejected. Please see: Internet Safety

    Websites. Adverts for websites or social networking groups will not be approved. 

    Franchises. Adverts for franchises, telesales, ad posting or similar home working schemes will not be approved. 

    Prescription Drugs. It is illegal to sale or distribute prescription drugs, including wormers, unwanted or left over treatments. Prescription Only Medicines can only be supplied by a Veterinarian, Pharmacist or Suitably Qualified Person.

    UK Laws: No ad promoting activities that would be illegal under UK law shall be allowed. 

    Bad Language: Foul, racist, personal attacks, aggressive behaviour or otherwise inappropriate language will not be tolerated. Any ads in violation of this rule will be rejected or are subject to being removed immediately and without warning.

    Manure and Muck Heaps: As this is an equestrian site, we can be pretty confident that the majority or our users have enough manure. If you would like a muck heap removed, please look in the Services Directory for an Agricultural Contractor.

    Off Topic Items: Miscellaneous adverts including general household items or furniture are no longer accepted. This helps to focus on the intended equestrian and countryside adverts.

    New or modified adverts for the above will be rejected/deleted without notice.


  6. Advert Payments
    Paying for your advert by credit/debit card, bank transfer or Paypal online is simple, safe and secure through our RomanCart system. Add the advert/s to your basket to be taken to RomanCart to complete your order.

    Pay with Paypal: Click on the yellow 'PayPal Checkout' button on the first page of the shopping cart, then log into your Paypal account. This saves you having to enter your details, but you must click on the “Complete Order” button to finalise the transaction. If your payment is successful you will be transferred back to the Transaction Complete page. There is Standard Paypal option at the checkout, but you will have to enter your details.

    Pay by Card: Click on the Go to Checkout button on the first page of the shopping cart, enter your name, address & phone number, then click on the “Pay by Credit/Debit Card” button. You will be transferred to a secure payment gateway to enter your payment details.. Transactions will show on your statement as “CK Art-NFED”.

    Pay by Bank Transfer (Banking App): Click on the Go to Checkout button on the first page of the shopping cart, enter your name, address and phone number, then click on the “Pay by Bank Transfer” button. You will be transferred back to the Transaction Complete page, but further action is required. The page contains the details required to make the payment, these will also be sent in an Email (please check your spam folder if not received) and shown below. The payment must be manually transferred & confirmed before the order is processed.

    Account Name: CK Art & NFED
    Sort Code: 40 30 36
    Account Number: 31392743

    Reference: Either your advert number, listing reference or business name.
    Orders are not processed until payment confirmed.

    When the payment has been received, the advert will be checked and approved on the next site update providing the guidelines and rules have been followed. If the advert is rejected for any reason, the payment will be cancelled or refunded. Any non-refundable Paypal or bank charges incurred will be deducted from the refund amount. See Approved Ads


  7. Approved Ads
    The NFED is run as a hobby/business from our home for fellow equestrian enthusiasts, there are no staff or set office hours. New adverts are approved frequently throughout the day, 7 days a week including bank holidays, but please allow up to 24 hours. Only paying advertisers are notified when the advert is approved. 

    Adverts are displayed in the order that they are submitted (by Ad Number), not in the order that they are approved, so we recommend paying for your advert as soon as possible. If there is going to be a delay, you are welcome to remove your advert and start again before paying. 

    If payment is required, but not received before 07.00 am on the second day after submission, the advert will expire automatically. Expired advert details will be kept for 28 days so that a replacement can be posted for you if late payment is made.


  8. Advert Enquiries
    For your protection, your name, email address and phone number* will be hidden by default in the advert (*unless you turn off Email enquiries). If you would like to show your name and phone number, you must select YES, alternatively you can add the number to the main advert text. Displaying a phone number or any alternative method of contact will bypass safety features.

    Enquiries sent through the contact form system will go to the Email address supplied with the advert. It is your responsibility to ensure that your advert works and enquiries are received correctly by your Email system. To help to keep enquires out of the spam folder, please add enquiries@nfed.co.uk to your contacts. Try sending an enquiry to your own advert and if this is not received, please see Advert Enquiries & Email Problems for other options.

    Email enquiries will come from enquiries@nfed.co.uk. To respond, you must send a new email to the senders address shown in the Email. When you respond to an enquiry it is sent via the standard Email route and will reveal your Email address. As with any Email, this is beyond our control and entirely at your own risk.

    To give adverts the very best chance of success, enquiries can be sent by anyone and are sent instantly to the advertisers. Enquiries are monitored for suspicious activity. When a scammer is discovered or reported, we will list them on the scam page and alert all recipients by Email. It can take up to 48 hours before enquiries can be reviewed. If you are concerned about an enquiry, please wait before responding or contact us so that we can examine it. Email enquiries can be switched off completely if you prefer.

    Turning Off Email Enquiries
    Email enquiries are turned on by default, turning off Email enquiries will remove the “Email Advertiser” link from the advert & show your phone number in its place. This option can be turned on or off using the modify advert option.

    WhatsApp and Messenger
    If you would like enquiries by WhatsApp, you need to show your mobile number and ask people to contact you via WhatsApp.
    To receive Messenger enquiries, include your Messenger Username in the main advert text.  Click Here for further details.

    All live adverts must include a way to contact the advertiser directly. If the Email is switched off & the phone number removed, the advert will be deleted.


  9. Featured Ads & Social Media
    Paid ads will be featured automatically providing they are suitable for an equestrian and countryside website. Paying for a free advert will make it eligible as a featured ad, but it must still be suitable.

    The featured copy will appear in widgets around the NFED. The copy is a snapshot of the advert at the time of approval, modifying or deleting your main advert will not remove or amend the copy.

    We will share suitable equestrian featured ads when possible on our social media pages, but due to Facebook Community Standards, cannot share animal adverts on Facebook that mention buying, offered, available, loaning, wanted, selling or include the price in the title. To protect our Facebook page, any adverts that are likely to be reported to Facebook, trigger AI moderator rejection or cause controversy will not be shared or will be removed if already shared, this includes adverts with ambiguous titles such as loan offered or wanted. If you would like the advert shared on Facebook, only include the animal details in the title, all other details can be included in the main advert text as this is not shown on Facebook.

    We have no control over posts removed by Facebook or X (Twitter) so cannot offer any guarantee that a post will appear or remain on social media but will always do our best to ensure maximum exposure for your advert, whilst protecting our Facebook page.

    The copy will link directly to the main advert for further details, photos or to contact the advertiser.

    If for any reason you do not want to feature your advert or would like it removed from any of the NFED social media pages, please contact the administrator.


  10. Free Ads - Fair Usage, Repeat, Replacement and Multiple Adverts
    To provide a fair service to all of our users, repeat adverts or adverts containing items previously submitted within the last two months DO NOT qualify as free ads. 

    If replacing a free advert that is over two months old, please help us to keep the ads tidy by removing the old advert, failing to do so may cause your new advert to be rejected.

    If a free advert is removed and replaced before two months, the new advert will not be approved without payment and the old advert cannot be recovered.

    There is a limit of 15 FREE advert submissions in any 30 day period or 30 active free ads at any one time. Advertisers are entirely responsible for monitoring their own usage, although there is no automated system the administrator will check frequent advertisers by Email, phone number, items or IP address.

    Any advertiser found to be exceeding the limits, providing false details to deliberately cheat, or abusing the system in any way will no longer be eligible for free adverts. Guideline 25


  11. Moving Ads Back to the Top (Bumping up)
    The adverts cannot be moved. Each advert is given a unique number when submitted, the adverts are then in strict numerical order which cannot be changed. To bring an advert back to the top it must be replaced entirely. Please see FAQ’s for further details.


  12. Modifications
    When an advert is approved, it is for the animal/s or item/s originally submitted only. You can edit the advert, but we DO NOT allow animals or items to be replaced, exchanged or added after approval.

    Modifications must follow rules & guidelines.
    Adverts breaking Rules or Guidelines are deleted without notice.
    No refunds are given for adverts suspended or removed for the above reason.

    Anyone suspected of deliberately abusing or attempting to cheat the system will be blacklisted and no longer permitted to use our services. Any existing free adverts will be subject to removal without notice.


  13. Two or more animals or items in one advert
    We do permit more than one horse or item in an advert at no extra charge but certain restrictions will apply.
    All items MUST be included before the advert is approved.
    We DO NOT allow animals or items to be replaced, exchanged or added after approval.
    If any of the items are over £174.99 or the total is over £174.99 or would normally require payment, the advert will be charged the standard payment of £8.99.
    If any items are included that have been previously listed in the last two months, it will not qualify as a free ad.
    The advert WILL NOT be renewed without payment under any circumstances to bring it back to the top.
    The advert will not be included in more than one category. The category cannot be changed as items are sold and the advert is subject to removal without notice if items are removed leaving the ad in the wrong category.


  14. Website Links
    Website links are NOT included with classified adverts but maybe permitted at the administrator’s discretion providing they are directly relevant to the advert, i.e further information, photos or videos.

    Any website URLs included in the main advert text will be changed to a link. 
    Links to commercial websites or business social media pages will be removed unless the advertiser has a current listing in the Service Directory. If a removed link is replaced by the advertiser, the advert will be subject to removal. Links to items advertised on other websites or online auctions are not permitted.
    Commercial Website links are permitted by any person or company with a current Services Directory listing. If you would like to include a link to your commercial website, please consider taking out a listing in the directory and help us to provide this service, Click Here for further details.


  15. Communication
    Please make every effort to reply to genuine enquiries promptly and politely. Rudeness is unnecessary, reflects badly on the site as a whole and will not be tolerated. If you have sold an item that is to be posted, please keep in communication with the buyer to provide reassurance. If there is a problem, please inform the buyer as soon as possible.


  16. Internet Safety
    You should be aware of online fraud and scams and basic safety precautions should always be taken. We will make every effort to offer advice, block and warn of new scammers as soon as possible, but ultimately we cannot control who will see your advert or make contact with you and you use the NFED entirely at your own risk.

    If you are going to use any website or social media platform, it is a good idea to set up a separate Email address to protect your personal or main Email address. Always use a unique, random password. This will be included in your advert details Email or can be recovered through the advert control panel, so there is no need to remember it.

    Always think carefully about the information that you are putting online. NEVER give anyone contacting you, your personal or bank details, full or part pin numbers, passwords or send/wire them money for any reason whatsoever.

    If you are worried by any contact that you receive, please check Scam page or forward the enquiry to the administrator. New scammers will be added to the offenders list when reported. 

    The default setting will hide the name and phone number of the advertiser, the Email address will be hidden unless it is added to the main text of the advert or a reply is sent to an enquiry. By selecting to show your name and phone number or including an Email address in the advert text, you are overriding any safety features. You must be aware and accept that showing personal details on any website or social media platform will put your details in the public domain. It can prove impossible to remove them and may leave you vulnerable to spam or unsolicited contact.

    Anyone under the age of 16 must have permission of their parent or guardian to post an advert.
    For safety reasons, any advert indicating an age of under 16 WILL BE REJECTED if the name, phone number or Email address can be seen in the advert, or if the administrator considers that the advertiser is at risk for any reason.

    The NFED is registered with and fully endorses and supports the work of the Child Exploitation Online Protection Centre. Please visit their website www.ceop.gov.uk for further advice on online safety.


  17. Wanted Ads
    Wanted ads will not be accepted in an offered category if a wanted category is provided.
    Swaps or exchange are classed as offered, not wanted ads and subject to the standard terms and pricing.
    Please be particularly cautious of scams if you post a wanted ad. Anyone contacting you has the advantage of knowing your requirements and may falsify the description to match your needs. Be wary if it sounds too good to be true and ask if it has been advertised on the NFED or elsewhere, if not why not?
    Please keep your own records and copies of all correspondence as we have no records or control over what you may be offered. Paypal Family or Friends or Bank transfer should NEVER be used for purchases that cannot be collected.


  18. Equine Passports
    To comply with government legislation, you must be in possession of a passport for all horses or ponies offered for sale or loan on this site. It is the advertiser’s responsibility, but in the event of any problems or complaints we reserve the right to remove the advert until the passport has been produced.
    Failure to produce the passport to a trading standards officer may lead to a fine of up to £5000. If you show the passport online, please remove the breeder’s personal details.


  19. Foals & Youngstock
    For welfare reasons, please ensure that any foal advertised for sale is at least 4 months old. No pet should be advertised for transfer to a new owner before it is weaned and no longer dependent on its parents.


  20. Rescues, Rehoming, Adoption, Companions , Charities and Sanctuaries
    Adverts looking to permanently rehome an animal are treated as offered and subject to the same rules. The standard payment may be waived at the administrator’s discretion for registered charities, providing all information including the charities commission registration number is provided. Adverts offering to help rehome horses are advertising a service so will not be approved.


  21. Photographs:
    All NFED Classified adverts will accept up to four images in jpg, jpeg, bmp, png or gif format.

    If you are using a mobile or tablet, we recommend using WiFi or 4G/5G. Large image files may time out on slow connections. It is always better to reduce the size before uploading & upload one at the time.

    You can upload the photos at the final stage of the advert submission or at any time afterwards through the advert control panel. The main image must be uploaded to trigger the other images to be displayed. If the photo uploads successfully, you will get a confirmation message & a thumbs up.

    You can log in to your advert using the edit ad option to check they have uploaded, try again or replace photos.

    Please Note: We do not charge for photos, advert prices are the same with or without photos. Not everyone wishes to include photos, so we have no way of knowing whether an advert should have photos before approval. If the photos are not showing on your advert, they have not uploaded to the server so we do not have them. You must either log in to try again or send them via Email or WhatsApp and we will be happy to upload them for you. See Photo Help for further details.

    © In all cases it is the advertiser’s responsibility to ensure required images have uploaded and that that they hold copyright or have permission to use the photographs. If a photograph has obviously been used without permission or a breach of copyright complaint is received, the image will be removed until proof that the photo can legally be used is provided.


  22. Videos
    Videos cannot be uploaded directly, but you can include links to videos posted on video sharing sites in the advert text. As with photographs, you must have permission to use them and they must be non commercial. There is no limit to the number of video links, but embedded videos are restricted to two. Embedded videos show in the advert, including more than two will cause problems for those with slow connections.
    If your videos are not yet online, we can upload them to our Vimeo account and place links in your advert for you. There is no charge, but this offer is for paid ads only and a maximum of five videos per advert. See Video Help for further details.


  23. HTML, Emojis  & Special Characters
    Only limited HTML is permitted in the advert text box at the administrator’s discretion.
    Any html code, emojis, or non alpha numeric characters that cause problems or disrupts the smooth running of the site will be removed. IFrames other than those for videos are not permitted. Any website links are subject to the standard link rules.


  24. Successful or Unwanted Adverts
    Classifieds adverts will expired after 180 days (six months). If an item is sold, or the advert no longer required, please remove it within 24 hours so people do not waste time sending enquiries.

    The administrator will periodically remove ads marked as sold or no longer required. Please do not leave unwanted ads online without marking them; this is a major cause of frustration for the site users.


  25. Breaking Rules or Causing Problems
    Anyone deliberately cheating the system, breaking rules, using multiple identities, acting, advertising, or trading dishonestly, canvassing, ignoring guidelines, being abusive, harming the good reputation of the NFED, or causing problems in any way whatsoever will have existing adverts removed without notice & will no longer be permitted to use our services. Any refunds will entirely be at the administrator’s discretion.

    CKArt-NFED has discretion as to which ads or advertisers are in violation of these guidelines. If you are prepared to cheat us or our users, we don’t need you here and politely suggest you go elsewhere.


  26. Technical Issues
    As with all Internet sites, there will be occasional technical issues or down time. Although frustrating for us all, this is beyond our control and we can accept no responsibility for lost advertising time or technical issues. The administrator will make regular back ups of the classifieds data to enable a rebuild of the classifieds in the event of a server crash or other technical problems. Should the data be lost for any reason whatsoever, the CKArt-NFED will not be liable for refunds on lost advertising time. Any refunds will be totally at the discretion of the administrator.

    If we are aware of a problem we will deal with it as soon as possible with information or updates posted on the NFED Blog & Service Status page with links from "What's New". We recommend that everyone makes "What's New" their first port of call on every visit to make you aware of any ongoing issues, technical problems or changes to the site. Major ongoing problems or changes are also sent out to the Facebook page.


  27. Trade, Breeder or Dealer Advertising
    The free ads offer is intended to help rehome or recycle low value, unwanted items without cost.

    Trade adverts (including wanted) are not eligible as free ads unless the advertiser has a current Standard Listing in the directory.

    Any adverts offering goods, supplied, produced/bred/sourced to order/commission, or offering multiple new items or options such as a range of sizes or colours, regardless of value, either on the NFED or elsewhere, will be treated as trade and therefore not eligible as free ads without a current Standard Directory listing.

    Adverts offering any type of service, will not be approved in the classifieds, please use the Service Directory.

    Under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations it is an offence in the UK if you fail to declare that you are a business seller. You are breaking the law if you mislead potential buyers into thinking that you are a private individual when you are a business seller.

    Under UK law, if you sell goods in quantities which exceed the level that it would be reasonable for a private person to sell, it is likely that you would be deemed to be a trader and must therefore comply with trading standards legislation. The distance selling regulations will also apply to traders sending items by post. Click Here for further information.

    Dog Breeding Licence and Selling Animals as Pets Licence.
    If you or your business breeds dogs or sells pets without a licence you could go to prison for up to 6 months or get an unlimited fine. You could also get an unlimited fine if you break the conditions of your licence. It is your responsibility to ensure all required licences are in place and conditions followed correctly. We do work with Trading Standards, Local Animal Licensing and Welfare Officers to stamp out illegal activities and will provide them with information if requested.
    For further information...
    See: Dog Breeding Licence (England)
    See: Selling Animals as Pets Licence (England)

    Hay, Haylage & Straw Sales
    We understand that many people make their own hay or haylage and wish to sale the surplus. Providing the amount available is clearly stated and the total price does not exceed £174.99, the advert may be approved without payment at the administrator’s discretion. 

    The amount permitted as a free ad will obviously depend on the asking price: £5 per bale max 34 bales (Total £170), £4 per bale max 43 bales (Total £172). If no amount is shown or the total exceeds £174.99, the advert will require payment. 

    Hay, Haylage & Straw being regularly advertised on the NFED or elsewhere, offering delivery or different choices will be classed as trade. Trade adverts will only be approved without payment if the advertiser has a current Standard Directory listing in the Hay Straw & Bedding category.


  28. Your Advertising Contract and Refunds
    By submitting and paying an insertion fee for an advert to be displayed on the NFED or upgrading to a featured advert, you are entering into a contract for an advertising service with CK Art - NFED.

    If you wish to cancel your order for a full refund, you must contact the administrator BEFORE the order has been processed. When the order has been processed, the service is deemed to have started. Any cancellation rights will end at this point as explained in the Distant Selling Regulations for online services.  

    We are under no obligation to refund the payment for an advert that is unsuccessful or removed by either the advertiser or the administrator after approval. Any refunds will be strictly at the administrator’s discretion & may affect future adverts causing delays in approval or non-eligibility of free ads due to breach of contract. Non-refundable Paypal charges will be deducted from the refund amount.

    When an advert is approved, it is for the animal/s or item/s originally submitted and is non-transferable. If a payment is reversed or cancelled after the contract has started, the advertiser will be in breach of contract and may be refused further use of the classifieds.

    Categories are provided to keep the classifieds in order and help viewers navigate the ads, therefore the most appropriate category should always be selected. If for any reason you would prefer the advert in a different category, please contact the administrator before submitting the advert. The administrator will decide if the advert can be moved, paying for an advert does not give you the right to select an inappropriate category.
    To keep the classifieds in order, any adverts posted in the wrong category will be moved to the correct category without notification unless prior notice is given and permission granted.


We hope that these guidelines will make the NFED Equestrian and Country Classifieds more enjoyable, safer and fairer for everyone. Thank you.


NFED Classifieds Rules & Guidelines

The NFED provides a premium advertising service for the equestrian and countryside community.
No account or membership is required, no commission is charged, no third-party advertising is used. An insertion fee of £8.99 per advert is charged to help cover our substantial running costs. Qualifying low value inanimate equestrian related items may be approved without payment, see Guideline 4 for details.

By posting an advert on the NFED, you are accepting and agree that it is in compliance with the following rules which are in place for our protection and to provide the safest environment possible for all users.

All adverts are checked by the administrator before approval. If the rules have not been followed, the advert will be rejected without notice, so please take the time to read them. We reserve the right to remove any ads in violation of our guidelines, UK laws or subject to ongoing dispute or investigation that are brought to our attention after approval.
The most appropriate category should be selected. Although some categories are more flexible than others, adverts may be moved to a more suitable category at the administrator's discretion and without notice.
When an advert is approved, it is for the animal/s or item/s originally submitted and is non-transferable.
We DO NOT allow animals or items to be replaced, exchanged, or added after approval.

By posting an ad here, you agree to the following statement:

* I agree that I will be solely responsible for the content of all my classified ads that I post and that I will indemnify CKArt - NFED and hold it harmless for any losses or damages to myself or to others that may result directly or indirectly from any ads that I post here.
* I am the owner or legally entitled to advertise the items or animals on behalf of the owner. There are no unresolved disputes, investigations or outstanding finance.
* I am in possession of all necessary documents, licences or passports where required.
* All descriptions including known issues or problems are accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
* I am either over 16 years of age or have permission of my parent or guardian to submit an advert. See Internet Safety for further details.
* I have read, agree and will abide by all site terms of use, rules, guidelines and pricing structure.


1: Advertiser Contact Details
2: Advert Description
3: Paid Advert Prices
4: Free Adverts
5: Unacceptable Adverts
6: Advert Payments
7: Approved Ads
8: Advert Enquiries
9: Featured Ads & Social Media
10: Free Ads - Fair Usage, Repeat, Replacement and Multiple Adverts usage
11: Moving Ads Back to the Top (Bumping up)
12: Modifications
13: Two or more animals or items in one advert
14: Website Links
15: Communication
16: Internet Safety
17: Wanted Ads
18: Equine Passports
19: Foals & Youngstock
20: Rescues, Rehoming, Adoption, Companions , Charities and Sanctuaries
21: Photographs
22: Videos
23: HTML & Special Characters
24: Successful or Unwanted Adverts
25: Breaking Rules or Causing Problems
26: Technical Issues
27: Trade, Breeder or Dealer Advertising
28: Your Advertising Contract


  1. Advertiser Contact Details
    To help fight fraud, we require the advertiser’s name, location, Email & phone number. Your IP address will be recorded automatically. Details will not be used for advertising purposes or divulged unless requested by a legitimate investigating authority such as the Police or Trading Standards. Please see the Privacy Notice for further details.


  2. Description
    To provide a quality service whilst helping to fight equine crime, an adequate description of each individual item or animal must be provided within the advert text or heading. Various Items, call for details, other items available, see our website or similar will be rejected unless previously agreed with the administrator. The advertiser is legally responsible for ensuring that the description accurately describes the animal or items advertised. It is a criminal offence to falsely advertise or fail to mention any known problems or issues. If you are submitting a free ad, the asking price must be included to qualify, but this is entirely optional for paid adverts. 
    Please use emojis sparingly and avoid replacing words or prices completely with emojis. Some devices may render the emoji differently or fail to show them. Prices should be shown numerically or in text that can be read by anyone, never in a cryptic code. 


  3. Paid Advert Prices
    There is a single fixed insertion fee of £8.99 per advert.
    The price is the same whether the advert is online for seconds or the full 180 days.
    There are no other charges or commission to pay.
    We are not VAT registered, so there is no VAT to pay.
    Please also see: Guideline 28 - Your Advertising Contract and Refunds

    The price includes up to: 600 Words - 4 x Photos - Video Links - Up to 180 Days Online.
    Suitable paid ads will be featured unless you ask us not to. 

    The £8.99 fee applies to all of the following:-

    Horse or Pony regardless of value - Offered or Wanted
    Horse or Pony for share, loan or riding - Offered or Wanted
    Liveries, Grazing or Property for sale or rent - Offered or Wanted
    Lorries, Trailers & Vehicles - Offered or Wanted
    Single offered item with asking or guide price of £175 or more
    Multiple items with total asking or guide price of £175 or more
    Livestock, pet, poultry or waterfowl regardless of value - Offered or Wanted
    Offered item or lot not displaying an asking price, guide price or amount available
    Repeat advert under two months old or exceeding usage limits See Guideline 10.
    Trade advert without a Standard Directory Listing - Offered or Wanted See Guideline 27.
    Free ads can be upgraded & featured by paying the standard fee.

    Providing the rules have been followed, the advert will be approved on the next update after receiving payment, please allow up to 24 hours but normally much less.

    Payment transactions must be completed. If your payment is successful you will be transferred back to the Transaction Complete page & receive an Email confirmation of your order at that point. If you close the window before this point, payment will not be made so the advert will remain unapproved.

    Adverts that require payment are not approved until payment has been received. If payment is not received within two days, the advert will be deleted from the system. If late payment is received, a replacement advert will be posted for you.


  4. Free Adverts
    This is a paid ads system, but Clearly Priced low value equestrian, agricultural and countryside related items or lot up to £174.99, may be approved without payment. Free ads are provided at our expense to rehome or recycle low value inanimate items or equipment and are subject to the administrator’s discretion.

    Free ads use the same system as paid ads without contributing to the running costs; therefore, must clearly qualify or will not be approved without payment.

    We DO NOT fund and provide free ads for:
    * Horses and ponies, including loans, shares, riding offered or wanted.
    * Livestock, pets or poultry (including ' hatching eggs), regardless of type, breed or value. 
    * Trade ads without a Standard Directory Listing.
    * Off topic items.

        *NOTE* The Payment Button and links will show on all adverts.

    If your advert qualifies as a free advert, ignore the payment section at Stage 3. The advert will be reviewed and approved on the next update providing it meets the criteria.

    You can choose to upgrade and feature a free advert by paying the usual fee.

    To qualify as a free advert

    a: Every single item offered must be listed and clearly priced at no more than £174.99. 
    b: Multiple items (lot) must be listed, show the amount available and priced with a total value of no more than £174.99. "Various items", "ask for details", "others available", "see photos" or similar will disqualify it as a free ad.
    c: All items must be inanimate and equestrian, agricultural, small holding or countryside related.
    d: A similar advert or items must not have been submitted within the previous two months.
    e: The fair usage limits of 15 free advert submissions in any 30 day period must not be exceeded.
     f: The fair usage limits of 30 active free ads at any one time must not be exceeded.
     g: Trade or business advertisers must have a current Standard Directory listing. See Guideline 27.
     h: The advert must be submitted online by the advertiser. 
     i: Swaps or exchange are classed as offered, not wanted ads and subject to the standard terms and pricing.

    No Price = No Free Ad.
    * If open to offers, a guide price MUST be included in the advert text.
    * If giving away for free, this MUST be clearly stated in the advert text.
    * Prices or descriptions shown in photographs will not be recognised or accepted. 
    * It must be your asking price, the price paid or asked elsewhere will not be accepted.
    * Hay, Haylage & Straw Sales Click Here for further details.

    * Adverts not complying will not be approved until the standard £8.99 payment has been received or the advert modified to qualify it as a free ad. Unapproved adverts are deleted after two days. 

    Trade adverts are excluded unless the advertiser has a current Standard Listing in the directory. Any adverts offering goods, supplied, produced/bred/sourced to order/commission, or offering multiple new items or options such as a range of sizes or colours, regardless of value, either on the NFED or elsewhere, will be treated as trade and therefore not eligible as free ads without a current Standard Directory listing. For further details including Hay sales, see Trade or Dealer Advertising below.

    NFED users rightly expect the item to be available and to be able to make enquiries or offers through the NFED without being redirected to a different website for further information or to bid. Including links or sending viewers to items advertised on other websites is not permitted.

    If possible, please group multiple small items together in a single advert, listing & pricing each individual item. Creating a separate advert for each item will use up your free advert allowance & cause other ads to be pushed down the list unnecessarily, much to the annoyance of other advertisers & viewers. Adverts causing problems or likely to lead to complaints, will not be approved.

    We do want to provide a free service for low value ads but as they are provided entirely at our expense, this does rely entirely on sufficient paid ads to keep the business viable. Therefore, anyone involved with, promoting, canvassing, administrating a website, social media group or page offering a similar service, allowing advertising or in competition with the NFED and putting the business at risk, is not eligible for free advertising.

    If you appreciate the NFED and the work that goes into the running of such a unique site, you are very welcome to ignore the free offer and pay for the advert. Any contributions towards our running expenses are greatly appreciated. In return, suitable adverts will be featured.

    Anyone suspected of or found to be deliberately abusing or attempting to cheat the system, acting, advertising or trading dishonestly, regularly ignoring guidelines, breaching contracts, causing problems, being abusive to other NFED users or generally disparaging the site in any way whatsoever will no longer be eligible for free adverts. See Guideline 25


  5. *We DO NOT ALLOW the Following Adverts in the Classifieds*

    NO Services. Adverts offering any kind of service are not permitted in the NFED Classifieds. Please use the Service Directory. To learn how to use the NFED for your business Click Here.

    NO Work or Employment Wanted. Work wanted ads including work experience, apprenticeships, exchange for riding/accommodation or voluntary work wanted will not be accepted. Please view the Employment Offered category regularly or set up a Keyword Alert

    NO Events. Events (including tack, yard, garage sales) are not permitted in the NFED Classifieds. The NFED Event Diary is provided to advertise events. Click Here to submit details.

    No Notices or Questions. The classifieds are for buying and selling adverts only. General questions, news, appeals, requests, messages, notices, advice or recommendations are not accepted. 

    No News. We do not allow news to be posted in the classifieds, but News articles be emailed for inclusion on the news page. A current standard listing is required for business news articles.

    Internet Safety. Safety and protecting the young is paramount. Any advert that may put the advertiser at risk will be rejected. Please see: Internet Safety

    Websites. Adverts for websites or social networking groups will not be approved. 

    Franchises. Adverts for franchises, telesales, ad posting or similar home working schemes will not be approved. 

    Prescription Drugs. It is illegal to sale or distribute prescription drugs, including wormers, unwanted or left over treatments. Prescription Only Medicines can only be supplied by a Veterinarian, Pharmacist or Suitably Qualified Person.

    UK Laws: No ad promoting activities that would be illegal under UK law shall be allowed. 

    Bad Language: Foul, racist, personal attacks, aggressive behaviour or otherwise inappropriate language will not be tolerated. Any ads in violation of this rule will be rejected or are subject to being removed immediately and without warning.

    Manure and Muck Heaps: As this is an equestrian site, we can be pretty confident that the majority or our users have enough manure. If you would like a muck heap removed, please look in the Services Directory for an Agricultural Contractor.

    Off Topic Items: Miscellaneous adverts including general household items or furniture are no longer accepted. This helps to focus on the intended equestrian and countryside adverts.

    New or modified adverts for the above will be rejected/deleted without notice.


  6. Advert Payments
    Paying for your advert by credit/debit card, bank transfer or Paypal online is simple, safe and secure through our RomanCart system. Add the advert/s to your basket to be taken to RomanCart to complete your order.

    Pay with Paypal: Click on the yellow 'PayPal Checkout' button on the first page of the shopping cart, then log into your Paypal account. This saves you having to enter your details, but you must click on the “Complete Order” button to finalise the transaction. If your payment is successful you will be transferred back to the Transaction Complete page. There is Standard Paypal option at the checkout, but you will have to enter your details.

    Pay by Card: Click on the Go to Checkout button on the first page of the shopping cart, enter your name, address & phone number, then click on the “Pay by Credit/Debit Card” button. You will be transferred to a secure payment gateway to enter your payment details.. Transactions will show on your statement as “CK Art-NFED”.

    Pay by Bank Transfer (Banking App): Click on the Go to Checkout button on the first page of the shopping cart, enter your name, address and phone number, then click on the “Pay by Bank Transfer” button. You will be transferred back to the Transaction Complete page, but further action is required. The page contains the details required to make the payment, these will also be sent in an Email (please check your spam folder if not received) and shown below. The payment must be manually transferred & confirmed before the order is processed.

    Account Name: CK Art & NFED
    Sort Code: 40 30 36
    Account Number: 31392743

    Reference: Either your advert number, listing reference or business name.
    Orders are not processed until payment confirmed.

    When the payment has been received, the advert will be checked and approved on the next site update providing the guidelines and rules have been followed. If the advert is rejected for any reason, the payment will be cancelled or refunded. Any non-refundable Paypal or bank charges incurred will be deducted from the refund amount. See Approved Ads


  7. Approved Ads
    The NFED is run as a hobby/business from our home for fellow equestrian enthusiasts, there are no staff or set office hours. New adverts are approved frequently throughout the day, 7 days a week including bank holidays, but please allow up to 24 hours. Only paying advertisers are notified when the advert is approved. 

    Adverts are displayed in the order that they are submitted (by Ad Number), not in the order that they are approved, so we recommend paying for your advert as soon as possible. If there is going to be a delay, you are welcome to remove your advert and start again before paying. 

    If payment is required, but not received before 07.00 am on the second day after submission, the advert will expire automatically. Expired advert details will be kept for 28 days so that a replacement can be posted for you if late payment is made.


  8. Advert Enquiries
    For your protection, your name, email address and phone number* will be hidden by default in the advert (*unless you turn off Email enquiries). If you would like to show your name and phone number, you must select YES, alternatively you can add the number to the main advert text. Displaying a phone number or any alternative method of contact will bypass safety features.

    Enquiries sent through the contact form system will go to the Email address supplied with the advert. It is your responsibility to ensure that your advert works and enquiries are received correctly by your Email system. To help to keep enquires out of the spam folder, please add enquiries@nfed.co.uk to your contacts. Try sending an enquiry to your own advert and if this is not received, please see Advert Enquiries & Email Problems for other options.

    Email enquiries will come from enquiries@nfed.co.uk. To respond, you must send a new email to the senders address shown in the Email. When you respond to an enquiry it is sent via the standard Email route and will reveal your Email address. As with any Email, this is beyond our control and entirely at your own risk.

    To give adverts the very best chance of success, enquiries can be sent by anyone and are sent instantly to the advertisers. Enquiries are monitored for suspicious activity. When a scammer is discovered or reported, we will list them on the scam page and alert all recipients by Email. It can take up to 48 hours before enquiries can be reviewed. If you are concerned about an enquiry, please wait before responding or contact us so that we can examine it. Email enquiries can be switched off completely if you prefer.

    Turning Off Email Enquiries
    Email enquiries are turned on by default, turning off Email enquiries will remove the “Email Advertiser” link from the advert & show your phone number in its place. This option can be turned on or off using the modify advert option.

    WhatsApp and Messenger
    If you would like enquiries by WhatsApp, you need to show your mobile number and ask people to contact you via WhatsApp.
    To receive Messenger enquiries, include your Messenger Username in the main advert text.  Click Here for further details.

    All live adverts must include a way to contact the advertiser directly. If the Email is switched off & the phone number removed, the advert will be deleted.


  9. Featured Ads & Social Media
    Paid ads will be featured automatically providing they are suitable for an equestrian and countryside website. Paying for a free advert will make it eligible as a featured ad, but it must still be suitable.

    The featured copy will appear in widgets around the NFED. The copy is a snapshot of the advert at the time of approval, modifying or deleting your main advert will not remove or amend the copy.

    We will share suitable equestrian featured ads when possible on our social media pages, but due to Facebook Community Standards, cannot share animal adverts on Facebook that mention buying, offered, available, loaning, wanted, selling or include the price in the title. To protect our Facebook page, any adverts that are likely to be reported to Facebook, trigger AI moderator rejection or cause controversy will not be shared or will be removed if already shared, this includes adverts with ambiguous titles such as loan offered or wanted. If you would like the advert shared on Facebook, only include the animal details in the title, all other details can be included in the main advert text as this is not shown on Facebook.

    We have no control over posts removed by Facebook or X (Twitter) so cannot offer any guarantee that a post will appear or remain on social media but will always do our best to ensure maximum exposure for your advert, whilst protecting our Facebook page.

    The copy will link directly to the main advert for further details, photos or to contact the advertiser.

    If for any reason you do not want to feature your advert or would like it removed from any of the NFED social media pages, please contact the administrator.


  10. Free Ads - Fair Usage, Repeat, Replacement and Multiple Adverts
    To provide a fair service to all of our users, repeat adverts or adverts containing items previously submitted within the last two months DO NOT qualify as free ads. 

    If replacing a free advert that is over two months old, please help us to keep the ads tidy by removing the old advert, failing to do so may cause your new advert to be rejected.

    If a free advert is removed and replaced before two months, the new advert will not be approved without payment and the old advert cannot be recovered.

    There is a limit of 15 FREE advert submissions in any 30 day period or 30 active free ads at any one time. Advertisers are entirely responsible for monitoring their own usage, although there is no automated system the administrator will check frequent advertisers by Email, phone number, items or IP address.

    Any advertiser found to be exceeding the limits, providing false details to deliberately cheat, or abusing the system in any way will no longer be eligible for free adverts. Guideline 25


  11. Moving Ads Back to the Top (Bumping up)
    The adverts cannot be moved. Each advert is given a unique number when submitted, the adverts are then in strict numerical order which cannot be changed. To bring an advert back to the top it must be replaced entirely. Please see FAQ’s for further details.


  12. Modifications
    When an advert is approved, it is for the animal/s or item/s originally submitted only. You can edit the advert, but we DO NOT allow animals or items to be replaced, exchanged or added after approval.

    Modifications must follow rules & guidelines.
    Adverts breaking Rules or Guidelines are deleted without notice.
    No refunds are given for adverts suspended or removed for the above reason.

    Anyone suspected of deliberately abusing or attempting to cheat the system will be blacklisted and no longer permitted to use our services. Any existing free adverts will be subject to removal without notice.


  13. Two or more animals or items in one advert
    We do permit more than one horse or item in an advert at no extra charge but certain restrictions will apply.
    All items MUST be included before the advert is approved.
    We DO NOT allow animals or items to be replaced, exchanged or added after approval.
    If any of the items are over £174.99 or the total is over £174.99 or would normally require payment, the advert will be charged the standard payment of £8.99.
    If any items are included that have been previously listed in the last two months, it will not qualify as a free ad.
    The advert WILL NOT be renewed without payment under any circumstances to bring it back to the top.
    The advert will not be included in more than one category. The category cannot be changed as items are sold and the advert is subject to removal without notice if items are removed leaving the ad in the wrong category.


  14. Website Links
    Website links are NOT included with classified adverts but maybe permitted at the administrator’s discretion providing they are directly relevant to the advert, i.e further information, photos or videos.

    Any website URLs included in the main advert text will be changed to a link. 
    Links to commercial websites or business social media pages will be removed unless the advertiser has a current listing in the Service Directory. If a removed link is replaced by the advertiser, the advert will be subject to removal. Links to items advertised on other websites or online auctions are not permitted.
    Commercial Website links are permitted by any person or company with a current Services Directory listing. If you would like to include a link to your commercial website, please consider taking out a listing in the directory and help us to provide this service, Click Here for further details.


  15. Communication
    Please make every effort to reply to genuine enquiries promptly and politely. Rudeness is unnecessary, reflects badly on the site as a whole and will not be tolerated. If you have sold an item that is to be posted, please keep in communication with the buyer to provide reassurance. If there is a problem, please inform the buyer as soon as possible.


  16. Internet Safety
    You should be aware of online fraud and scams and basic safety precautions should always be taken. We will make every effort to offer advice, block and warn of new scammers as soon as possible, but ultimately we cannot control who will see your advert or make contact with you and you use the NFED entirely at your own risk.

    If you are going to use any website or social media platform, it is a good idea to set up a separate Email address to protect your personal or main Email address. Always use a unique, random password. This will be included in your advert details Email or can be recovered through the advert control panel, so there is no need to remember it.

    Always think carefully about the information that you are putting online. NEVER give anyone contacting you, your personal or bank details, full or part pin numbers, passwords or send/wire them money for any reason whatsoever.

    If you are worried by any contact that you receive, please check Scam page or forward the enquiry to the administrator. New scammers will be added to the offenders list when reported. 

    The default setting will hide the name and phone number of the advertiser, the Email address will be hidden unless it is added to the main text of the advert or a reply is sent to an enquiry. By selecting to show your name and phone number or including an Email address in the advert text, you are overriding any safety features. You must be aware and accept that showing personal details on any website or social media platform will put your details in the public domain. It can prove impossible to remove them and may leave you vulnerable to spam or unsolicited contact.

    Anyone under the age of 16 must have permission of their parent or guardian to post an advert.
    For safety reasons, any advert indicating an age of under 16 WILL BE REJECTED if the name, phone number or Email address can be seen in the advert, or if the administrator considers that the advertiser is at risk for any reason.

    The NFED is registered with and fully endorses and supports the work of the Child Exploitation Online Protection Centre. Please visit their website www.ceop.gov.uk for further advice on online safety.


  17. Wanted Ads
    Wanted ads will not be accepted in an offered category if a wanted category is provided.
    Swaps or exchange are classed as offered, not wanted ads and subject to the standard terms and pricing.
    Please be particularly cautious of scams if you post a wanted ad. Anyone contacting you has the advantage of knowing your requirements and may falsify the description to match your needs. Be wary if it sounds too good to be true and ask if it has been advertised on the NFED or elsewhere, if not why not?
    Please keep your own records and copies of all correspondence as we have no records or control over what you may be offered. Paypal Family or Friends or Bank transfer should NEVER be used for purchases that cannot be collected.


  18. Equine Passports
    To comply with government legislation, you must be in possession of a passport for all horses or ponies offered for sale or loan on this site. It is the advertiser’s responsibility, but in the event of any problems or complaints we reserve the right to remove the advert until the passport has been produced.
    Failure to produce the passport to a trading standards officer may lead to a fine of up to £5000. If you show the passport online, please remove the breeder’s personal details.


  19. Foals & Youngstock
    For welfare reasons, please ensure that any foal advertised for sale is at least 4 months old. No pet should be advertised for transfer to a new owner before it is weaned and no longer dependent on its parents.


  20. Rescues, Rehoming, Adoption, Companions , Charities and Sanctuaries
    Adverts looking to permanently rehome an animal are treated as offered and subject to the same rules. The standard payment may be waived at the administrator’s discretion for registered charities, providing all information including the charities commission registration number is provided. Adverts offering to help rehome horses are advertising a service so will not be approved.


  21. Photographs:
    All NFED Classified adverts will accept up to four images in jpg, jpeg, bmp, png or gif format.

    If you are using a mobile or tablet, we recommend using WiFi or 4G/5G. Large image files may time out on slow connections. It is always better to reduce the size before uploading & upload one at the time.

    You can upload the photos at the final stage of the advert submission or at any time afterwards through the advert control panel. The main image must be uploaded to trigger the other images to be displayed. If the photo uploads successfully, you will get a confirmation message & a thumbs up.

    You can log in to your advert using the edit ad option to check they have uploaded, try again or replace photos.

    Please Note: We do not charge for photos, advert prices are the same with or without photos. Not everyone wishes to include photos, so we have no way of knowing whether an advert should have photos before approval. If the photos are not showing on your advert, they have not uploaded to the server so we do not have them. You must either log in to try again or send them via Email or WhatsApp and we will be happy to upload them for you. See Photo Help for further details.

    © In all cases it is the advertiser’s responsibility to ensure required images have uploaded and that that they hold copyright or have permission to use the photographs. If a photograph has obviously been used without permission or a breach of copyright complaint is received, the image will be removed until proof that the photo can legally be used is provided.


  22. Videos
    Videos cannot be uploaded directly, but you can include links to videos posted on video sharing sites in the advert text. As with photographs, you must have permission to use them and they must be non commercial. There is no limit to the number of video links, but embedded videos are restricted to two. Embedded videos show in the advert, including more than two will cause problems for those with slow connections.
    If your videos are not yet online, we can upload them to our Vimeo account and place links in your advert for you. There is no charge, but this offer is for paid ads only and a maximum of five videos per advert. See Video Help for further details.


  23. HTML, Emojis  & Special Characters
    Only limited HTML is permitted in the advert text box at the administrator’s discretion.
    Any html code, emojis, or non alpha numeric characters that cause problems or disrupts the smooth running of the site will be removed. IFrames other than those for videos are not permitted. Any website links are subject to the standard link rules.


  24. Successful or Unwanted Adverts
    Classifieds adverts will expired after 180 days (six months). If an item is sold, or the advert no longer required, please remove it within 24 hours so people do not waste time sending enquiries.

    The administrator will periodically remove ads marked as sold or no longer required. Please do not leave unwanted ads online without marking them; this is a major cause of frustration for the site users.


  25. Breaking Rules or Causing Problems
    Anyone deliberately cheating the system, breaking rules, using multiple identities, acting, advertising, or trading dishonestly, canvassing, ignoring guidelines, being abusive, harming the good reputation of the NFED, or causing problems in any way whatsoever will have existing adverts removed without notice & will no longer be permitted to use our services. Any refunds will entirely be at the administrator’s discretion.

    CKArt-NFED has discretion as to which ads or advertisers are in violation of these guidelines. If you are prepared to cheat us or our users, we don’t need you here and politely suggest you go elsewhere.


  26. Technical Issues
    As with all Internet sites, there will be occasional technical issues or down time. Although frustrating for us all, this is beyond our control and we can accept no responsibility for lost advertising time or technical issues. The administrator will make regular back ups of the classifieds data to enable a rebuild of the classifieds in the event of a server crash or other technical problems. Should the data be lost for any reason whatsoever, the CKArt-NFED will not be liable for refunds on lost advertising time. Any refunds will be totally at the discretion of the administrator.

    If we are aware of a problem we will deal with it as soon as possible with information or updates posted on the NFED Blog & Service Status page with links from "What's New". We recommend that everyone makes "What's New" their first port of call on every visit to make you aware of any ongoing issues, technical problems or changes to the site. Major ongoing problems or changes are also sent out to the Facebook page.


  27. Trade, Breeder or Dealer Advertising
    The free ads offer is intended to help rehome or recycle low value, unwanted items without cost.

    Trade adverts (including wanted) are not eligible as free ads unless the advertiser has a current Standard Listing in the directory.

    Any adverts offering goods, supplied, produced/bred/sourced to order/commission, or offering multiple new items or options such as a range of sizes or colours, regardless of value, either on the NFED or elsewhere, will be treated as trade and therefore not eligible as free ads without a current Standard Directory listing.

    Adverts offering any type of service, will not be approved in the classifieds, please use the Service Directory.

    Under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations it is an offence in the UK if you fail to declare that you are a business seller. You are breaking the law if you mislead potential buyers into thinking that you are a private individual when you are a business seller.

    Under UK law, if you sell goods in quantities which exceed the level that it would be reasonable for a private person to sell, it is likely that you would be deemed to be a trader and must therefore comply with trading standards legislation. The distance selling regulations will also apply to traders sending items by post. Click Here for further information.

    Dog Breeding Licence and Selling Animals as Pets Licence.
    If you or your business breeds dogs or sells pets without a licence you could go to prison for up to 6 months or get an unlimited fine. You could also get an unlimited fine if you break the conditions of your licence. It is your responsibility to ensure all required licences are in place and conditions followed correctly. We do work with Trading Standards, Local Animal Licensing and Welfare Officers to stamp out illegal activities and will provide them with information if requested.
    For further information...
    See: Dog Breeding Licence (England)
    See: Selling Animals as Pets Licence (England)

    Hay, Haylage & Straw Sales
    We understand that many people make their own hay or haylage and wish to sale the surplus. Providing the amount available is clearly stated and the total price does not exceed £174.99, the advert may be approved without payment at the administrator’s discretion. 

    The amount permitted as a free ad will obviously depend on the asking price: £5 per bale max 34 bales (Total £170), £4 per bale max 43 bales (Total £172). If no amount is shown or the total exceeds £174.99, the advert will require payment. 

    Hay, Haylage & Straw being regularly advertised on the NFED or elsewhere, offering delivery or different choices will be classed as trade. Trade adverts will only be approved without payment if the advertiser has a current Standard Directory listing in the Hay Straw & Bedding category.


  28. Your Advertising Contract and Refunds
    By submitting and paying an insertion fee for an advert to be displayed on the NFED or upgrading to a featured advert, you are entering into a contract for an advertising service with CK Art - NFED.

    If you wish to cancel your order for a full refund, you must contact the administrator BEFORE the order has been processed. When the order has been processed, the service is deemed to have started. Any cancellation rights will end at this point as explained in the Distant Selling Regulations for online services.  

    We are under no obligation to refund the payment for an advert that is unsuccessful or removed by either the advertiser or the administrator after approval. Any refunds will be strictly at the administrator’s discretion & may affect future adverts causing delays in approval or non-eligibility of free ads due to breach of contract. Non-refundable Paypal charges will be deducted from the refund amount.

    When an advert is approved, it is for the animal/s or item/s originally submitted and is non-transferable. If a payment is reversed or cancelled after the contract has started, the advertiser will be in breach of contract and may be refused further use of the classifieds.

    Categories are provided to keep the classifieds in order and help viewers navigate the ads, therefore the most appropriate category should always be selected. If for any reason you would prefer the advert in a different category, please contact the administrator before submitting the advert. The administrator will decide if the advert can be moved, paying for an advert does not give you the right to select an inappropriate category.
    To keep the classifieds in order, any adverts posted in the wrong category will be moved to the correct category without notification unless prior notice is given and permission granted.


We hope that these guidelines will make the NFED Equestrian and Country Classifieds more enjoyable, safer and fairer for everyone. Thank you.


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