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Directory Listing Map & Address Options

The map is shown on all listings, but you have three options...

Display Exact Map & Business Address
Ideal for shops & venues that want customers to visit.

Display Map & Partial Address
For the smaller business & home workers that prefer to keep their full address private. 

Display Rough Map Nearest Town & Area Covered
For the freelance grooms, instructors, therapists etc that normally visit the customers or work at other venues.

Since the 2024 software update, the option to hide the map completely has been disabled.


Directory Listing Map & Address Options

The map is shown on all listings, but you have three options...

Display Exact Map & Business Address
Ideal for shops & venues that want customers to visit.

Display Map & Partial Address
For the smaller business & home workers that prefer to keep their full address private. 

Display Rough Map Nearest Town & Area Covered
For the freelance grooms, instructors, therapists etc that normally visit the customers or work at other venues.

Since the 2024 software update, the option to hide the map completely has been disabled.


If you can't find the answer, feel free to contact us

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