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Calendar Help Frequently Asked Questions

Photos Not Showing?

The advertiser is in full control of the photographs, they can be uploaded or replaced at any time & do not have to wait for admin approval. If the photos are not showing, they have not uploaded.

When a photo uploads successfully, you will get an Upload Complete confirmation & a thumbs up uploaded

The main photo must be uploaded for the other photos to show. If the main images fails to upload, the other images will not be displayed. Upload the main image & the others will be displayed.

Not everyone wishes to show photos so the advert will be approved without photos but don’t worry, they can be added after approval using the modify ad option.  Once uploaded, they will be displayed on the advert & anywhere the advert has been shared.

Upload Problems
After selecting the image, you must click on the upload button. During the upload process you will see the cantering horse animation, followed by the thumbs up confirmation when the upload is complete.

Please allow each upload to complete before starting the next. Large image files will take time to upload but this will depend on your connection speed. A good WiFi or 4G connection is recommended to avoid timeout problems.

Photos must be the correct format, only jpg, jpeg, bmp, png or gif are accepted.

Other formats including word, pdf, tif, heic & video files are NOT supported.

iPhone or iPad
Photos must be uploaded as jpg, not heic format.

HEIC is an Apple specific format that is not recognised by website servers, so although images may seem to upload successfully, they will not be resized or displayed in browsers.

If your phone is on factory/default settings the photo will be converted to a jpg before it is transferred, but changing settings to "Keep Originals" will cause issues.

Go to Settings > Photos.
Scroll down to the Transfer to Mac or PC section.
Select Automatic.

Photos should then upload as compatible jpg's without having to edit your original images. 

Don't worry, we can help you.
There are many reasons why a photo may fail to upload, but don't struggle, just send them to us in any size or format & we will edit & upload them for you. Please allow 24 hours, it will normally be much sooner but we must be in the office to edit photos.

Remember to include your advert number & give a clear description of which you would like as the main image as they may not arrive in the order they were sent!

Email to editor@nfed.co.uk & include your advert number in the subject line. 
You can also reply to your advert details or shopping cart Emails & attach the photos.

WhatsApp to 07385 848504

Facebook Message
Go to the NFED Facebook page www.facebook.com/nfed.co.uk & send a message with the photos.

NFED. Brushwood, Church Lane, Sway, Hants SO416AD. 
Originals are handled entirely at your own risk, please include a SAE if you would like them returned

For further help & tips, see NFED Classified Photographs

© In all circumstances, it is your responsibility to ensure that you either own the copyright or have permission to use the images.

Photos Not Showing?

The advertiser is in full control of the photographs, they can be uploaded or replaced at any time & do not have to wait for admin approval. If the photos are not showing, they have not uploaded.

When a photo uploads successfully, you will get an Upload Complete confirmation & a thumbs up uploaded

The main photo must be uploaded for the other photos to show. If the main images fails to upload, the other images will not be displayed. Upload the main image & the others will be displayed.

Not everyone wishes to show photos so the advert will be approved without photos but don’t worry, they can be added after approval using the modify ad option.  Once uploaded, they will be displayed on the advert & anywhere the advert has been shared.

Upload Problems
After selecting the image, you must click on the upload button. During the upload process you will see the cantering horse animation, followed by the thumbs up confirmation when the upload is complete.

Please allow each upload to complete before starting the next. Large image files will take time to upload but this will depend on your connection speed. A good WiFi or 4G connection is recommended to avoid timeout problems.

Photos must be the correct format, only jpg, jpeg, bmp, png or gif are accepted.

Other formats including word, pdf, tif, heic & video files are NOT supported.

iPhone or iPad
Photos must be uploaded as jpg, not heic format.

HEIC is an Apple specific format that is not recognised by website servers, so although images may seem to upload successfully, they will not be resized or displayed in browsers.

If your phone is on factory/default settings the photo will be converted to a jpg before it is transferred, but changing settings to "Keep Originals" will cause issues.

Go to Settings > Photos.
Scroll down to the Transfer to Mac or PC section.
Select Automatic.

Photos should then upload as compatible jpg's without having to edit your original images. 

Don't worry, we can help you.
There are many reasons why a photo may fail to upload, but don't struggle, just send them to us in any size or format & we will edit & upload them for you. Please allow 24 hours, it will normally be much sooner but we must be in the office to edit photos.

Remember to include your advert number & give a clear description of which you would like as the main image as they may not arrive in the order they were sent!

Email to editor@nfed.co.uk & include your advert number in the subject line. 
You can also reply to your advert details or shopping cart Emails & attach the photos.

WhatsApp to 07385 848504

Facebook Message
Go to the NFED Facebook page www.facebook.com/nfed.co.uk & send a message with the photos.

NFED. Brushwood, Church Lane, Sway, Hants SO416AD. 
Originals are handled entirely at your own risk, please include a SAE if you would like them returned

For further help & tips, see NFED Classified Photographs

© In all circumstances, it is your responsibility to ensure that you either own the copyright or have permission to use the images.

If you can't find the answer, feel free to contact us

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